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of professionals and entrepreneurs

Our audience is made up of 80% USA based readers with high engagement building innovative businesses.

More About Our Audience

15,000 Readers

Avg 32%+ Open Rates

Avg 5.44% CTR

80% USA, 10%Β Brazil, 8% UK

0.4% Unsubscribe Rate

Interests: AI, Business, Marketing

Age Range 25-45

Sponsorship Options

Sponsored Edition

πŸ‘€ Most Views
The most prominent option for ensuring your brand is seen by our readers. Your logo will be visible at the top of the newsletter with a short description of your offering.
πŸ’° Logo at the top of the newsletter
πŸ’° Maximum 150 words of ad copy
πŸ’° Link to your website

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Breaking News

πŸ‘†Most Clicks
Get a sponsored placement at the top of the "News" section to announce a company or product launch. Great if you have a press release or blog post.
πŸ’° First placement in news
πŸ’° Maximum 50 word description
πŸ’° Link to your announcement

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Trending Tools

πŸ’΅ Most Economical
Our tools section is the 2nd most clicked section of the newsletter. Located at the bottom of the newsletter, our most engaged audience will see your product.
πŸ’° Highlighted link in the tools section
πŸ’° Maximum 20 words of ad copy
πŸ’° Link to your website

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Monthly Partner

🀯 Most Impact
Each month Beyond9to5 covers a major theme on marketing, growth, or business. Choose this sponsorship to collaborate with us on a theme that educates our readers on the problem your solving.
πŸ’° 4 sponsored editions
πŸ’° On-theme deep dives
πŸ’° Links to your website

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